Features Tailored for the Digital Generation

Introduction to Nexgen SmartBAR

Welcome to the future of customer support and engagement with NexGen SmartBAR! NexGen SmartBAR transforms any website into a dynamic platform, seamlessly integrating anywhere on your site—from a fixed bottom bar to the header—making it feel like a natural part of your site. Elevate your website’s engagement and connect with new and existing customers like never before.

Benefits to the Company:

  • Enhanced Customer Engagement: NexGen SmartBAR transforms any website into a dynamic platform, seamlessly integrating into various parts of the site. This seamless integration enhances user experience and engagement, allowing businesses to connect more effectively with both new and existing customers.
  • Increased Conversion Rates: By providing a consistent and interactive platform, NexGen SmartBAR helps to increase conversions, as visitors are more likely to stay on the site and engage with the content and services offered.

Benefits to Website Visitors:

  • Seamless Navigation: Visitors enjoy a seamless and intuitive navigation experience as NexGen SmartBAR feels like a natural part of the website. This ease of use enhances their overall browsing experience.
  • Enhanced Interactivity: The dynamic nature of NexGen SmartBAR provides visitors with an engaging and interactive experience, making the website more enjoyable and informative.

NexGen SmartBAR's Chat Interface

As soon as a user starts typing, NexGen SmartBAR’s chat interface activates, offering enhanced navigation for common requests. This feature ensures visitors receive instant answers and guidance, helping them find what they need quickly. Did you know? 67% of users prefer chat tools for quick answers, and interactive content can boost engagement by up to 80%

Benefits to the Company:

  • Instant Customer Support: The chat interface activates as soon as a user starts typing, providing immediate assistance. This feature reduces the burden on customer service teams by addressing common requests quickly and efficiently.
  • Increased User Engagement: With instant answers and guidance, the chat interface keeps users engaged on the site longer, increasing the likelihood of conversions and positive interactions.

Benefits to Website Visitors:

  • Quick Access to Information: Visitors receive instant responses to their queries, making it easier for them to find the information they need quickly. This feature is particularly appealing to users who prefer chat tools for fast answers.
  • Improved User Experience: The ability to interact with a responsive chat interface enhances the overall user experience, making visitors feel supported and valued.

NexGen SmartBAR Full Customizability

NexGen SmartBAR’s Full Customizability feature offers unparalleled control over the design and functionality of your website’s interactive elements. This feature allows businesses to tailor the SmartBar to perfectly match their brand’s aesthetic, ensuring a cohesive and professional online presence. With options to customize every aspect, including the use of over 1000 stock images, companies can create visually appealing and engaging content that resonates with their audience. This level of customization not only enhances brand consistency but also significantly improves the overall user experience, making the website more attractive and user-friendly. NexGen SmartBAR offers unlimited navigation possibilities, allowing you to add important links wherever needed. The location mapping feature shows customers how far they are from your business and provides Google Maps directions, making it easy for them to visit you.

Benefits to the Company:

  • Brand Consistency: Full customizability of NexGen SmartBAR allows complete control over its design and functionality, ensuring that it perfectly aligns with your brand’s aesthetic. This consistency enhances your company’s credibility, as 75% of users judge a company’s credibility based on its website design.
  • Visual Appeal: With access to over 1000 stock images, businesses can significantly enhance the visual appeal of their pathways and interactions. High-quality visuals make the content more engaging and memorable, helping to capture and retain visitor interest.

Benefits to Website Visitors:

  • Enhanced User Experience: The use of high-quality images and a cohesive design improves the overall user experience, making the website more attractive and easier to navigate. This thoughtful design helps visitors find what they need quickly and enjoyably.
  • Visual Learning: With over 65% of people being visual learners, incorporating high-quality visuals into the website enhances understanding and retention of information, making the browsing experience more informative and enjoyable for visitors.

Increased Engagement

Visual content significantly enhances user engagement. Websites with images and videos receive up to 94% more views than those without​ (Search Engine Journal)​. Additionally, infographics can increase website traffic by 12%​ (Search Engine Journal)​.

Improved User Experience

High-quality images improve the overall user experience by making content more digestible and memorable. Over 65% of people are visual learners, meaning they retain information better when it’s presented visually​ (Venngage)​.

Higher Conversion Rates

A well-designed user interface, including appealing images, can boost website conversion rates by up to 400%​ (ColorWhistle)​. Moreover, 67% of consumers consider the quality of product images to be “very important” in making purchasing decisions​ (Web Strategies)​.

Improved User Experience

Images enhance the overall user experience by making the website more visually appealing and easier to navigate. High-quality images can break up text-heavy content, making it more readable and enjoyable for users. This can lead to lower bounce rates and higher time spent on the site​ (Living Proof Creative)​​ (Imbue Creative)​.

Increased Retention:

Visual content helps retain visitors. More than 90% of users cite poor design as the primary reason for not returning to a website. Additionally, two-thirds of visitors prefer a beautifully designed website over a simple one​ (ColorWhistle)​.

Dynamic Content Interaction

The Dynamic Content Interaction feature of NexGen SmartBAR leverages AI technology to deliver tailored content and experiences to each visitor. By analyzing visitor behavior and preferences, this feature dynamically adjusts the content displayed, ensuring that each interaction is highly relevant and engaging. This advanced capability not only enhances user satisfaction but also drives conversions and business growth.

Benefits to the Company:

  • Enhanced Engagement: AI-powered content delivery allows visitors to engage with the most relevant content on your website, providing instant answers and guiding users through customized pathways tailored to their interests and needs. This personalized approach helps retain visitors and encourages deeper engagement with your content, increasing the time spent on your site.
  • Conversion Boost: By offering instant, accurate information and guiding users towards relevant products or services, NexGen SmartBAR significantly reduces bounce rates and increases the likelihood of conversions. The intelligent content delivery system helps convert casual visitors into loyal customers by addressing their needs promptly and efficiently.

Benefits to Website Visitors:

  • Immediate Assistance: The AI-driven system provides visitors with immediate answers to their questions, eliminating the need to search or wait for a response. This feature enhances the user experience by offering quick and accurate information right when it’s needed.
  • Personalized Experience: The tool analyzes visitor behavior and tailors interactions accordingly, providing a personalized and relevant experience. Whether a visitor is exploring products, seeking customer support, or browsing informational content, the dynamic content interaction feature ensures they receive the most pertinent information, making their visit more satisfying and productive.

FACT: Personalized Communications: Generative AI has significantly improved the ability to deliver personalized communications. In 2024, 85% of marketers report that generative AI has changed how they create content, with 63% believing that most content will be created with some generative AI involvement. This shift towards AI-driven personalization enhances customer engagement and satisfaction by providing more tailored interactions​ (HubSpot Blog)​​ (Vonage Business)​.

Engagement-Driven Pathways (E-Paths)

NexGen SmartBAR’s Engagement-Driven Pathways provide guided tours of your company and services. These customized tours keep visitors engaged with interactive elements and linked content, educating new customers and enhancing the experience for existing ones. A seamless way to provide essential information right at your visitors’ fingertips.

Benefits to the Company:

  • Self-Guided Tours: E-Paths offer customized, self-guided tours that keep visitors engaged by providing interactive elements like forms, media, and promotions. This feature can showcase products, explain services, or offer customer support, all within a streamlined user journey.
  • Linked Engagement: Interconnected E-Paths ensure that users can explore various content areas seamlessly, maximizing interaction and retention by offering a continuous and immersive experience.
  • Unlimited Customization: Businesses can create numerous pathways to guide users through different aspects of their offerings, enhancing the overall user journey and satisfaction.

Benefits to Website Visitors:

  • Interactive Learning: Visitors can explore detailed information about products or services at their own pace, enhancing understanding and satisfaction.
  • Continuous Engagement: The seamless flow between different content areas keeps visitors engaged for longer periods, providing a richer browsing experience.

Fact: Customer Engagement Trends: The integration of AI into customer engagement strategies has shown substantial benefits. Businesses using AI for customer interactions report greater functionality, reduced wait times, and increased engagement across multiple channels. This trend is expected to continue growing, with more companies integrating AI to enhance customer relationships and drive business growth​ (Braze)​​ (No Jitter)​.

NexGen SmartBAR's Scheduling Feature

NexGen SmartBAR’s Scheduling Feature streamlines the appointment booking process, offering a seamless and user-friendly experience for both businesses and visitors. This feature is particularly valuable for today’s gen z and millennial visitors who prefer efficient online interactions. It can integrate directly with your existing scheduling software or provide an easy-to-use schedule request form, ensuring that users can quickly and conveniently book appointments. The system also sends notifications for prompt follow-up, making the entire process smooth and hassle-free for both parties.

Benefits to the Company:

  • Increased Efficiency: By automating the appointment booking process, businesses can reduce the workload on their administrative staff. This automation frees up time and resources, allowing staff to focus on other important tasks and improving overall operational efficiency.
  • Enhanced Customer Data Collection: The scheduling feature can capture valuable data on customer preferences and behaviors, which can be used to improve services, tailor marketing strategies, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Benefits to Website Visitors:

  • Convenience: Visitors can easily book appointments online at their convenience, without needing to make phone calls or wait for business hours. The user-friendly interface makes the process straightforward, saving time and effort.
  • Accessible Booking Options: The feature’s integration with existing scheduling software and the provision of a simple schedule request form cater to a wide range of user preferences, making it accessible and easy to use for all visitors, regardless of their tech-savviness. This inclusivity ensures that all users can take advantage of the scheduling feature, enhancing their overall experience on the site.

Creating Promotions with NexGen SmartBAR

NexGen SmartBAR offers a powerful promotion creation tool, allowing businesses to easily design and implement promotional campaigns. With a range of pre-designed templates and the option for custom designs, businesses can create engaging promotions that align with their brand. The ability to schedule these promotions to be active on specific dates ensures that content remains fresh and relevant, helping businesses to stay ahead of the competition with minimal effort.

Benefits to the Company:

  • Streamlined Promotion Management: NexGen SmartBAR simplifies the process of creating and managing promotions. Businesses can quickly set up new campaigns using the intuitive interface, which saves time and reduces the complexity often associated with marketing efforts.
  • Targeted Marketing: The scheduling feature allows companies to activate promotions at optimal times, such as during peak shopping seasons or special events. This strategic timing maximizes the impact of the promotions, reaching the target audience when they are most likely to engage.

Benefits to Website Visitors:

  • Timely Offers and Deals: Visitors benefit from seeing the most relevant promotions when they visit the site, thanks to the scheduling feature. This timely presentation of deals and offers provides them with opportunities to save money and take advantage of special events or discounts.
  • Informed Decision Making: By presenting promotions that are timely and relevant, NexGen SmartBAR helps visitors make informed purchasing decisions. They can easily see current deals and discounts, allowing them to plan their purchases and take advantage of the best offers available.

Fact:  Impact on Marketing Strategies: The use of AI in marketing is driving industry growth. AI tools help marketers create higher quality content more efficiently, with 81% of those using generative AI reporting that their AI-assisted content performs as well or better than fully human-created content. This capability allows for more effective marketing strategies and better ROI​ (HubSpot Blog)​​ (Braze)​.

Direct Link Delivery

The Direct Link Delivery feature in SmartBar enhances customer convenience and engagement by allowing businesses to share important links and promotional content directly with users via email. This feature provides an option for users to receive essential portal links, promotional offers, or other relevant information in their inbox, ensuring quick and easy access to vital resources. By integrating this functionality into promotional E-Paths, businesses can seamlessly connect with their audience, offering added convenience and fostering stronger customer relationships.

Benefits to the Company:

  • Enhanced Customer Connection: The Direct Link Delivery feature enables businesses to deliver important information directly to users, strengthening customer relationships and increasing engagement and conversions.
  • Increased Reach and Promotion: Integrating this feature into promotional E-Paths ensures that offers and content reach a wider audience, enhancing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and driving sales.

Benefits to Website Visitors:

  • Convenience: Visitors can easily receive essential links and promotional content via email, eliminating the need to search for information or navigate multiple pages. This streamlined process saves time and enhances the overall user experience.
  • Improved Accessibility: The option to have links and offers emailed directly provides users with easy access to the information they need, whether it’s a portal link, promotional code, or special offer, making their interaction with the website more seamless and efficient.

Showcasing Testimonials with NexGen SmartBAR

Testimonials are a vital component in establishing trust and credibility for any business. NexGen SmartBAR simplifies the process of incorporating customer testimonials into your website, seamlessly integrating them into any Engagement-Driven Pathway (E-Path). The tool provides fast navigation links to highlight positive customer experiences, ensuring that potential customers can easily access and read these endorsements. By showcasing testimonials, businesses can reassure visitors of their service quality and build a strong foundation of trust.

Benefits to the Company:

  • Enhanced Credibility: Displaying genuine customer testimonials prominently on the website helps build trust and credibility. Potential customers are more likely to believe and rely on the experiences of other users, which can significantly influence their purchasing decisions.
  • Efficient Marketing Tool: Integrating testimonials into E-Paths and using fast navigation links allows businesses to strategically place endorsements in relevant sections of the website. This targeted placement maximizes the impact of the testimonials, leveraging them as an effective marketing tool.

Benefits to Website Visitors:

  • Trust and Assurance: Testimonials provide visitors with honest feedback from other customers, helping to build trust in the brand. Reading about positive experiences from real users can reassure visitors about the quality and reliability of the services or products offered.
  • Enhanced User Experience: The integration of testimonials into E-Paths ensures that visitors encounter these endorsements naturally during their browsing experience. This seamless integration enhances the overall user experience by providing valuable information in an engaging and accessible format.

Refer a Friend Feature

The Direct Link Delivery feature in SmartBar enhances customer convenience and engagement by allowing businesses to share important links and promotional content directly with users via email. This feature provides an option for users to receive essential portal links, promotional offers, or other relevant information in their inbox, ensuring quick and easy access to vital resources. By integrating this functionality into promotional E-Paths, businesses can seamlessly connect with their audience, offering added convenience and fostering stronger customer relationships.

Benefits to the Company:

  • Expanded Reach: The Refer a Friend feature leverages the satisfaction of existing customers to expand your company’s reach, tapping into new potential clients through trusted personal recommendations.
  • Increased Customer Engagement: By integrating the referral form into various E-Paths, you can engage customers at the right moment, encouraging them to advocate for your brand.

Benefits to Website Visitors:

  • Easy Referral Process: The automated form simplifies the referral process, allowing satisfied customers to quickly and easily share their positive experiences with friends.
  • Opportunity to Share: Customers feel valued and appreciated when given the opportunity to share their experiences and support their friends in discovering quality services.
  • Special Offers for Friends: Friends referred through this feature often receive special offers or incentives, enhancing their initial experience with your company and encouraging them to become loyal customers.

Multi-Location Support with NexGen SmartBAR

The Multi-Location Support feature in NexGen SmartBAR enhances the user experience by allowing visitors to easily find and interact with the nearest business location. This feature is valuable for both single-location businesses and companies with multiple branches. Users can select their nearest location to access tailored details, such as operating hours, special promotions, and holiday schedules. Additionally, they can see the distance to each location and click on the miles to get a direct link to Google Maps for easy navigation.

Benefits to the Company:

  • Targeted Marketing and Data Collection: For companies with multiple locations, this feature allows automatic inclusion of location options in forms, complete with distance information. This helps businesses collect data on customer preferences and tailor their marketing strategies to specific regions, enhancing the effectiveness of promotional campaigns.
  • Improved Customer Experience: Providing clear and accessible location-specific information helps businesses enhance the overall customer experience. Visitors can easily find the most convenient location, increasing the likelihood of visits and engagement.

Benefits to Website Visitors:

  • Convenience and Accessibility: The Multi-Location Support feature offers the convenience of quickly finding the nearest business location, even for single-location businesses. Visitors can view their distance from the location and get directions directly via a Google Maps link, making it easy to plan visits.
  • Enhanced Decision-Making: For businesses with multiple locations, visitors can easily compare locations, viewing distance and other relevant details. This data helps them choose the most suitable location based on proximity and services, enhancing their overall experience and satisfaction.

Holiday Notices and Hours

NexGen SmartBAR includes a convenient feature for holiday notices and hours. Major holiday dates are preloaded, making it easy to update with your specific information. This ensures your customers are always informed with minimal effort.

Benefits to the Company:

  • Efficient Communication: NexGen SmartBAR makes it easy to update holiday hours and special notices, ensuring that all visitors are aware of any changes to operating times or special events. This efficient communication helps manage customer expectations and prevents misunderstandings.
  • Improved Planning: By clearly communicating holiday hours and special notices, businesses can better plan for staffing and resource allocation during peak and off-peak periods. This proactive approach helps maintain smooth operations and enhances customer satisfaction.

Benefits to Website Visitors:

  • Up-to-Date Information: Visitors always have access to the latest operating hours and holiday schedules, ensuring they can plan their visits accordingly. This transparency helps build trust and improves the overall user experience.
  • Reduced Inconvenience: Clear communication of holiday hours and special notices prevents visitors from arriving when the business is closed, reducing frustration and enhancing the customer experience.

Quick Navigation and Footer Links with NexGen SmartBAR

The Quick Navigation and Footer Links feature in NexGen SmartBAR enhances the website’s usability by providing easy access to key sections and important actions. This feature includes up to 8 quick navigation buttons and 2 footer images, strategically placed to help users quickly navigate the site and find the most relevant information or perform specific actions.

Benefits to the Company:

  • Increased Visibility of Key Actions: The inclusion of footer images and quick access links ensures that important actions, such as scheduling an appointment, contacting support, or accessing promotions, are easily accessible. This visibility can lead to higher engagement rates and more completed actions, such as purchases or inquiries.
  •  Enhanced User Engagement: By making it easier for visitors to explore different parts of the website and smartbar, businesses can encourage deeper engagement with their content. This can result in longer site visits, better brand retention, and an overall more positive impression of the business.

Benefits to Website Visitors:

  • Simplified Navigation: The Quick Navigation and Footer Links feature simplifies the browsing experience by providing direct links to the most relevant sections and actions. This ease of navigation helps users quickly find the information they are looking for, reducing frustration and improving satisfaction.
  • User-Friendly Design: The clear and intuitive placement of quick navigation buttons and footer links caters to all types of users, including those who may not be as tech-savvy. This inclusivity ensures that all visitors can easily navigate the site and find the information or actions they need, making their visit more enjoyable and productive.

Interactive Elements in NexGen SmartBAR

NexGen SmartBAR enhances engagement with interactive elements, including animations, videos, and audio files. These multimedia features make interactions more dynamic and engaging, enriching the overall user experience on your site.

Benefits to the Company:

  • Increased Engagement: Interactive elements, such as animations and videos, significantly boost user engagement. These dynamic features capture and hold visitors’ attention longer, encouraging them to explore more of the website’s content. This increased engagement can lead to higher conversion rates and more interaction with key business offerings.
  • Differentiation: Unique multimedia features help distinguish your site from competitors. Incorporating high-quality animations, videos, and interactive elements enhances the overall brand experience, making your website more memorable and appealing to visitors. This differentiation is crucial in a crowded digital landscape, where standing out can be a key factor in attracting and retaining customers.

Benefits to Website Visitors:

  • Enhanced Experience: The inclusion of multimedia content such as videos, animations, and audio makes browsing more enjoyable and engaging. These elements can simplify complex information, provide visual interest, and make the overall experience more memorable, catering to the preferences of modern digital consumers who often seek out rich media experiences.
  •  Accessibility: Offering content in various media formats caters to diverse visitor preferences and needs. Whether a user prefers watching a video, listening to audio, or engaging with interactive graphics, NexGen SmartBAR ensures that all visitors have a comfortable and accessible browsing experience.
    Fact: User Preferences for Interaction: Users prefer websites that offer more than just static content. Interactive features such as animated elements, storytelling, and personalization enhance user engagement.(Portland Digital) (Premium Bootstrap Themes and Templates).

Quick Navigation and Footer Links with NexGen SmartBAR

The Quick Navigation and Footer Links feature in NexGen SmartBAR enhances the website’s usability by providing easy access to key sections and important actions. This feature includes up to 8 quick navigation buttons and 2 footer images, strategically placed to help users quickly navigate the site and find the most relevant information or perform specific actions.

Benefits to the Company:

  • Increased Visibility of Key Actions: The inclusion of footer images and quick access links ensures that important actions, such as scheduling an appointment, contacting support, or accessing promotions, are easily accessible. This visibility can lead to higher engagement rates and more completed actions, such as purchases or inquiries.
  •  Enhanced User Engagement: By making it easier for visitors to explore different parts of the website and smartbar, businesses can encourage deeper engagement with their content. This can result in longer site visits, better brand retention, and an overall more positive impression of the business.

Benefits to Website Visitors:

  • Simplified Navigation: The Quick Navigation and Footer Links feature simplifies the browsing experience by providing direct links to the most relevant sections and actions. This ease of navigation helps users quickly find the information they are looking for, reducing frustration and improving satisfaction.
  • User-Friendly Design: The clear and intuitive placement of quick navigation buttons and footer links caters to all types of users, including those who may not be as tech-savvy. This inclusivity ensures that all visitors can easily navigate the site and find the information or actions they need, making their visit more enjoyable and productive.

Voice-to-Text Feature in NexGen SmartBAR

NexGen SmartBAR’s Voice-to-Text feature elevates the user experience by allowing seamless voice interactions with your website. Users can speak directly into the bot, with their words transcribed into text in real-time, ensuring accurate and relevant responses

Benefits to the Company:

  • Accessibility: By incorporating voice-to-text technology, NexGen SmartBAR makes your website accessible to a broader audience, including those who prefer or require voice interaction. This feature is particularly valuable for users with disabilities or those who find voice interaction more convenient.
  • Data Accuracy: Voice interactions provide precise data for analyzing customer needs and preferences. This accurate data collection helps businesses refine their services and tailor offerings more closely to what customers want, leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Benefits to Website Visitors:

  •  Convenience: The voice-to-text feature allows users to interact with the website using their voice, making it easier and faster to find information and navigate the site. This convenience is particularly appealing to users on the go or those who may find typing cumbersome.
  • Accessibility: By offering voice interaction, NexGen SmartBAR provides an inclusive experience for users with different needs, including those with physical disabilities or those who simply prefer voice commands over traditional typing.

Easy Setup

The Easy Setup feature of NexGen SmartBAR enables businesses to quickly setup and deploy smartbar using industry-standard templates, allowing full customization and functionality within just 20 minutes. This rapid deployment saves valuable time and resources, making it an efficient solution for businesses of all sizes

Benefits to the Company:

  • Quick Deployment: Deploy NexGen SmartBAR quickly with industry-standard templates. The tool can be fully customized and functional within just 20 minutes, saving valuable time and resources.
  • Scalability: Easily clone and modify the SmartBar for different websites or sections, making it a versatile solution for businesses of all sizes.

Benefits to Website Visitors:

  • Consistent Experience: Quick setup ensures that visitors experience a seamless and consistent interface across all sections of the website.
  • Immediate Access: The tool’s rapid deployment means that visitors can start benefiting from enhanced navigation and support features almost immediately.

Interactive Reporting and Analytics

NexGen SmartBAR provides comprehensive real-time visitor activity monitoring with detailed analytics. Access data on each interaction, keywords used, and form submissions directly from your SmartBar. Weekly and monthly reports offer valuable insights into user behavior, helping refine engagement strategies and improve customer support.

Benefits to the Company:

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Keep track of visitor activities such as page visits, form submissions, and interactions with various elements in real-time. This data helps in understanding user behavior and optimizing content accordingly.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Weekly analytics reports provide deep insights into visitor behavior and engagement patterns, allowing for data-driven decisions to improve strategies.

Benefits to Website Visitors:

  • Improved Content Delivery: Continuous monitoring and adjustments based on analytics ensure that visitors receive the most relevant and engaging content.
  • Enhanced User Experience: As the company refines its strategies based on analytics, the user experience becomes more tailored and satisfying.

Advanced Chat Analysis

The Advanced Chat Analysis feature leverages cutting-edge AI models to set and analyze unlimited questions based on any chat history within a specified date range. This powerful tool allows businesses to evaluate responses comprehensively, providing educated answers and valuable insights. By utilizing advanced analytics, companies can better understand customer interactions, identify trends, and enhance their service offerings

Benefits to the Company:

  • In-Depth Insights: The ability to set unlimited questions and analyze chat history helps businesses gain deep insights into customer interactions, preferences, and concerns.
  • Improved Decision Making: Advanced AI models provide accurate and educated answers, aiding in strategic decision-making and improving customer service strategies.

Benefits to Website Visitors:

  • Enhanced Customer Support: With better understanding and analysis of past interactions, companies can provide more informed and personalized support to visitors.
  • Improved Service Quality: The insights gained from chat analysis allow businesses to continuously improve their services, leading to a better overall customer experience.

The Value of Nexgen SmartBAR

It’s a new world of engagement expectations. NexGen SmartBAR ensures your website leaves a great first impression. Now is the time to elevate that experience and reassure visitors that your company is the best choice. How much is a new client worth? If Nexgen SmartBar helps get just one new customer a month, isn’t that worth the investment? Experience the future of customer engagement and support. Get started with NexGen SmartBAR today—create your own customized version in a few easy steps, no credit card required!

The Nexgen Difference NexGen SmartBAR stands out as a superior choice for businesses seeking to elevate their customer interactions. Its extensive customization options, dynamic engagement features, robust reporting, and advanced security measures set it apart from traditional tools. Nexgen ensures businesses can effectively engage and satisfy their customers, staying ahead in a competitive market.

Benefits to the Company:

  • Competitive Advantage: The comprehensive features of NexGen SmartBAR provide a significant edge over competitors. From interactive elements and real-time analytics to advanced voice-to-text capabilities, these tools enhance the overall brand appeal and set businesses apart in a crowded market.
  • Customer Acquisition: The ability to engage and convert visitors more effectively can lead to increased customer acquisition. Nexgen SmartBar’s user-friendly interface and advanced features help attract and retain customers, ultimately driving business growth.

Benefits to Website Visitors:

  • Superior Experience: The combination of chat, navigation, scheduling, and interactive elements creates a superior user experience. Visitors enjoy a seamless and engaging interaction with the website, making them more likely to return and recommend the site to others.
  • Informed Decisions: With comprehensive information and support provided through NexGen SmartBAR, visitors can make well-informed decisions. Whether they are looking for product information, scheduling an appointment, or exploring service offerings, the tool ensures they have all the necessary information at their fingertips.

Get Started Today

Transform your website into a powerful engagement platform with NexGen SmartBAR. Designed to meet the needs of modern businesses, it offers unparalleled customization and advanced features. Experience the future of customer engagement and support—get started with NexGen SmartBAR today!

New Feature Description: Date-Sensitive Promotions

Our Nexgen Engagement Tool now includes a powerful feature: Date-Sensitive Promotions. This innovative functionality allows you to create highly customized promotions that are active only within specified date ranges. These promotions can include text, images, animations, and interactive forms, making them engaging and dynamic for your users.


Key Highlights:


  • Trigger Options: Promotions can be triggered by a keyword, user sentiment, or specific URL. This ensures that your audience receives the right message at the right time.
  • Interactive Ads: When users navigate to a particular page, they will see an interactive ad that displays after a set delay, allowing them to explore the page content first.
  • Customizable Content: You can include various media elements such as text, images, animations, and forms, providing a rich and engaging user experience.

This feature ensures that your promotional efforts are timely and targeted, enhancing user engagement and driving conversions. Whether it’s a seasonal offer, a special event, or a time-sensitive discount, our Date-Sensitive Promotions feature helps you reach your audience effectively and efficiently.






NexGen Customer Engagement Tool dashboard includes a Preview feature that captures screen grabs from the main URL provided in the company section. This preview demonstrates how the Customer Engagement Tool will look and function overlaid on a sample of your website. It allows users to visually assess the Customer Engagement Tool integration and interaction within their existing web environment, ensuring that the design and functionality align with the company’s branding and user experience goals before going live.



Duplicating NexGen Customer Engagement Tool can be highly beneficial for a variety of reasons. It allows users to easily replicate a successful bot setup when expanding to new markets or languages, ensuring consistency across different segments. Additionally, duplication can be useful for testing changes without affecting the live version of the bot. This enables safer experimentation with features, responses, or triggers to optimize the Customer Engagement Tool performance before making changes permanent. It also saves time and effort in setting up multiple bots with similar functionalities or for different departments within the same organization.


Grant Access

Grant unlimited users access to view and interact with any of the selected bots. This feature ensures that an unlimited number of users can seamlessly access and utilize the chosen bots without any restrictions, enhancing user engagement and accessibility across the platform.


Disable Live Bot

NexGen features a “Disable Live Bot” option, allowing users to deactivate the bot on their website at any time for any reason without needing to remove the embed code. This flexibility ensures that businesses can manage their bot’s availability seamlessly, maintaining control over their customer engagement without any technical hassles.

AI Logic

Multilingual Support

Break language barriers with our intelligent Customer Engagement Tool, designed to recognize and adapt to the user’s preferred language. Whether determined by device settings or direct input, our system seamlessly adjusts, ensuring a personalized and accessible communication experience across multiple languages.

AI Logic

Training Center

Elevate NexGen Customer Engagement Tool performance with our robust Training Dashboard. This feature is your control center for enhancing the bot’s knowledge and responsiveness. Diversify its learning with several options: perform website scrapes to collect product details—including descriptions, prices, and images—upload unlimited documents in Word or PDF formats, and include rich media like images, videos, and tables. You can also add FAQs and detailed product information, complete with active date ranges to ensure the bot dispenses up-to-date information. This comprehensive training tool allows you to meticulously tailor your bot’s capabilities, ensuring it provides top-tier service and accurate responses.

AI Logic

Holiday Calendar

Easily set and display special holiday hours and closed days for all major holidays. Customize the calendar to specify the date range during which these notices will be shown when users inquire about operating hours. Adjust the start and end dates to control visibility and keep customers informed about your holiday schedule.

AI Logic

AI Optional Engagement

For companies hesitant about using AI, our AI Engagement Tool offers the option to disable AI and rely solely on triggers. This ensures that most customer engagement features remain fully functional, providing flexibility and confidence in using the platform without losing much of its effectiveness. Refer to the feature list for detailed information.


Company Analytics

Companies can gain valuable insights through comprehensive analytic reporting on all chat interactions. Our platform provides detailed, tailored weekly reports that focus on shop-specific queries, helping you understand customer needs and optimize your responses. This analytics capability allows you to make informed decisions based on accurate data, enhancing overall service effectiveness and customer satisfaction.


Admin Access via Bot

NexGen Customer Engagement Tool includes a built-in admin feature that enables real-time reporting and the ability to request custom reports directly from the chat interface. This functionality ensures that administrators can quickly access and tailor information to their specific needs, enhancing operational efficiency without ever leaving the chat environment. Set the access code in Basic Info. IN Number.



Click the analytics icon in the dashboard to delve into detailed visualizations and report views of NexGen Customer Engagement Tool data. This feature provides users with comprehensive insights into Customer Engagement Tool performance, user interactions, and engagement metrics. The analytics tool is designed to offer both at-a-glance visuals and in-depth reports, enabling you to effectively monitor and optimize NexGen Customer Engagement Tool effectiveness based on real-time data. It’s an essential resource for understanding trends, behaviors, and outcomes.


Analytics Report Questions

Our AI-powered Customer Engagement Tool allows you to add unlimited questions for in-depth analysis of chat conversations over a set period. This capability enables you to gather detailed insights into customer interactions, preferences, and behavior. By continuously analyzing these conversations, you can identify trends, optimize responses, and enhance the overall customer experience. This robust feature ensures you have the data needed to make informed decisions and improve your engagement strategies.


Bot Closed Options

NexGen Customer Engagement Tool design feature offers two streamlined versions for enhanced user interaction: a single icon and a mini version of the chat interface. When the Customer Engagement Tool is closed, it conveniently minimizes to a single icon that can be easily accessed at any time. Alternatively, users can opt for the mini version, which provides a compact yet fully functional chat interface. Both options are designed to maintain a clean and unobtrusive presence on your site. Upload custom graphics for both the single icon and mini chat versions. This ensures that NexGen Customer Engagement Tool maintains a consistent brand identity across all user interactions. Whether it’s the single icon or the compact chat interface, you can personalize each element to match your unique branding and marketing strategy, creating a cohesive and visually appealing experience.


Active Bot

Users can specify the hours during which it is available on the company website. This functionality is particularly useful for managing interactions after business hours. By setting specific operational times, companies can ensure that the Customer Engagement Tool is active during peak visitor periods or provides automated support when live agents are not available, enhancing the overall customer service experience.


Share/Print Icons

NexGen Customer Engagement Tool includes customizable options for sharing and printing the chat. Users can enable display icons for sharing and printing directly on the bot interface, allowing customers to easily share or print their conversations as needed. This feature can be toggled off if you prefer to restrict customers from sharing or printing their chat interactions, ensuring greater control over the conversation’s privacy and distribution.


Disable Advice

With the Customer Engagement Tool ‘Disable Advice’ feature, users can choose whether the bot should offer advice during interactions. By selecting this option, you can ensure the Customer Engagement Tool refrains from providing suggestions or recommendations, making it suitable for scenarios where only factual information or direct responses are preferred. This feature provides users with greater control over the Customer Engagement Tool behavior to align with specific communication strategies.


Be Direct

Customizable language settings allow for very direct responses, eliminating any unnecessary or ‘cheesy’ statements like ‘we are happy to help.’ This option is perfect for users who prefer clear, concise communication, ensuring that the Customer Engagement Tool delivers straightforward answers without added fluff.


Thumbs Up/Down

Customize feedback prompts with thumbs-up or thumbs-down options. If you want every response to solicit feedback, these icons will be included under each response. If not selected, feedback options will appear only in the bottom footer of the chat. This setup ensures that you gather input at your preferred level of engagement, whether you seek detailed feedback or just an overall assessment.


Response Length

NexGen Customer Engagement Tool offers adjustable response length settings, allowing users to select between ‘Normal’ and ‘Long’ options. The ‘Normal’ setting delivers responses that are concise and to the point, ideal for quick interactions. The ‘Long’ setting provides more involved and detailed responses, which is particularly useful for training purposes or when a deeper explanation is required. This feature ensures that the Customer Engagement Tool can adapt its communication style to best meet the needs of the conversation.



NexGen Customer Engagement Tool leverages advanced triggers to generate dynamic responses, offering unparalleled customization and flexibility. Users can create an unlimited number of trigger types within a single trigger, allowing for cascading actions that enrich the interaction experience. Unlike systems that require exact phrase matches, NexGen Customer Engagement Tool responds intelligently to keywords or phrases within a customer’s question. This feature enables the Customer Engagement Tool to provide associated responses based on the context of the query, ensuring more accurate and relevant interactions, and enhancing user engagement.


Trigger – Rich test

NexGen Customer Engagement Tool advanced trigger feature supports rich text formatting, enabling users to fully format messages for a more engaging interaction. Additionally, it allows for the copying and pasting of HTML-formatted text directly from a website, preserving all formatting details. This capability ensures that responses not only retain their visual appeal but also maintain the intended structure and style, enhancing the overall user experience by delivering content that is both informative and visually consistent.


Trigger – Image

Enhance NexGen Customer Engagement Tool responsiveness with our customizable triggers, which allow the user to upload an unlimited number of images to accompany responses. This feature gives you the flexibility to tailor each interaction visually, making it more engaging and informative. Whether adding product photos, instructional graphics, or promotional images, you can enrich the conversational experience, ensuring that each response not only delivers the right information but also captures the user’s attention visually.


Trigger – Video

Customize NexGen Customer Engagement Tool further by incorporating Vimeo or YouTube links within triggers. This integration allows you to enhance responses with video content, providing a dynamic and engaging user experience. Include tutorial videos, product demonstrations, or promotional clips, or add videos from Vimeo or YouTube directly into the Customer Engagement Tool responses to increase the effectiveness of each interaction, catering to users who prefer visual and detailed explanations.


Trigger – HTML

Users can paste existing HTML code directly into a trigger, enabling you to create highly customized and interactive responses. This feature can guide users to specific web pages, forms, or other online resources, seamlessly integrating your digital assets into the chat experience. By incorporating HTML links into Customer Engagement Tool responses, you can direct users precisely where you want, enhancing the functionality of the bot.


Trigger – Form Design

Design a custom trigger form with unlimited fields, accommodating a variety of input types including short text, long text, phone numbers, emails, dates, times, yes/no options, and selections. Each input type is equipped with automatic formatting and validation to ensure that customer data is collected efficiently and accurately. This feature not only streamlines data collection but also enhances user interaction by providing a structured and interactive experience tailored to your specific requirements.


Trigger – Form Recipients

With NexGen Customer Engagement Tool trigger forms, users have complete control over how completed forms are handled. Upon submission, forms can be configured to be sent via email, text message, or directly to an API, depending on your operational requirements and preferences. This flexibility allows you to streamline workflows and ensure that data from user interactions is utilized efficiently, whether for immediate response actions or integration into broader systems.


Trigger – Form Title/Description

Users can fully customize forms in NexGen Customer Engagement Tool by adding titles and descriptions to each one. The title serves as a clear identifier for the form’s purpose, while the description provides additional context or instructions for the user, helping guide them through the completion process. These customizable fields enhance the clarity and relevance of the forms, ensuring that the data collected aligns precisely with your specific needs and provides a smoother, more informative user experience.


Trigger – Captcha/Disclaimer

NexGen Customer Engagement Tool is enhanced with security and compliance features through the integration of captchas and disclaimers in its form triggers. Users can activate a captcha, which requires respondents to enter a code that verifies they are not automated bots, helping to prevent fraud and secure data. Additionally, a disclaimer can be added to forms, making it mandatory for users to acknowledge and agree to the terms before submission. This is particularly useful for forms that involve text messaging or sensitive information, ensuring users are fully informed and consents are properly obtained.


Trigger – Link

Enhance user interactions with the capability to add link triggers. Users can supply any direct link to a public-facing website or URL, embedding it within the Customer Engagement Tool responses. This feature allows for seamless redirection to external resources, providing users with immediate access to additional information, sign-ups, special offers, or more detailed content. The integration of direct links enhances the functionality of the Customer Engagement Tool, making it a more powerful tool for engaging users and extending their interaction beyond the chat interface.


Trigger – Delay

Customize automated triggers with a time delay feature. Users can specify a delay, and after the designated time has elapsed while the user is interacting with the bot, the trigger will automatically activate. This can be used to introduce new topics, offer assistance, provide reminders, or direct users to additional resources at strategic moments.


Trigger – Carousel

The carousel trigger feature is designed to engage users dynamically. This innovative tool allows you to create carousel-style presentations within the chat interface, where users can step through a variety of pages at their own pace. It’s an ideal solution for showcasing promotions, product catalogs, tutorials, or any content you want to highlight. Each carousel can be customized with images, text, and links, making it a versatile and interactive way to capture user interest and encourage deeper exploration.


Tigger – Button

Optimize NexGen Customer Engagement Tool interactions with customizable Trigger Buttons. This feature allows you to create buttons with unique properties tailored to your needs. Each button can be labeled and linked to a specific URL, directing users precisely where you want them to go, Perfect for guiding users through your digital landscape, Trigger Buttons make navigation effortless and enhance the overall user experience.


Trigger – Terminate Response

The Terminate Response trigger feature allows you to conclude a chat sequence immediately after delivering specific triggered information, assuming that the response fulfills the user’s inquiry. This is ideal for straightforward transactions or information delivery where no further interaction is necessary. Conversely, if you anticipate the need for additional dialogue or follow-up questions, simply leave this option selected. This flexibility ensures that each user interaction can be tailored to meet specific needs.


Trigger – FAQ

Optimize NexGen Customer Engagement Tool ability to respond accurately with our FAQ Trigger feature. This tool allows you to incorporate specific questions and answers directly into the Customer Engagement Tool learning database. By adding this targeted FAQ content, the Customer Engagement Tool is better equipped to address users’ inquiries by combining these details with all other data that has been uploaded or scraped. This integration ensures that the Customer Engagement Tool delivers precise and contextually relevant answers, enhancing the overall user experience by providing timely and informed responses to their questions.


Image Library

NexGen includes a comprehensive image library, offering a selection of header buttons, minimized side images, and chat icons. This feature is designed for companies that do not have a designer, allowing them to easily select and use professionally designed graphics to enhance their Customer Engagement Tool’s appearance and functionality.


dashboard Products



Header Embedding

Embed into the top header bar: This option integrates a mini version of the response line directly into your website’s header. This seamless integration makes it feel like a natural part of the website rather than just a bot in the corner, enhancing user experience without becoming intrusive.


Text Message

The text message that appears in the bot’s input field is customizable, allowing you to display a personalized message to incentivize user interaction. This feature helps engage users by providing tailored prompts and encouraging them to utilize the bot’s capabilities.


Advanced AI Capabilities

Our advanced AI technology enables the Customer Engagement Tool to generate conversational responses using all the data provided, without the need for predefined decision trees. This allows for a more fluid and intuitive interaction, as the system dynamically adapts to input in real-time, creating a seamless user experience.


Industry Knowledge

NexGen Customer Engagement Tool platform offers a powerful learning feature that allows you to build a comprehensive knowledge base tailored to your specific industry. This industry-specific knowledge can be seamlessly integrated into company bots, ensuring that they are equipped with extensive, relevant information. This capability not only enhances the bot’s responses but also ensures that all companies within the industry can leverage shared insights to improve their customer interactions.


Website Scrape

Provide a URL, and our system will automatically scrape all relevant data from it, enriching NexGen Customer Engagement Tool existing knowledge base. This feature allows for continuous learning and updating, ensuring that your bot remains informed and effective in delivering accurate responses.


Photos and Videos

Enable photo and video uploads, offering the flexibility to include an unlimited number of these media files in responses. This feature enhances the interactivity of the Customer Engagement Tool, enabling it to provide richer, more engaging content that can include visual aids or demonstrations. This capability is especially useful for detailed explanations, showcasing products, or enhancing customer support interactions.


Pdfs.and Word Files

NexGen Customer Engagement Tool allows users to expand its learning database by uploading PDFs or Word documents. This capability enables the Customer Engagement Tool to ingest and learn from a broader range of content, improving its responses and functionality. Whether it’s detailed reports, data sheets, or textual information, this feature helps the Customer Engagement Tool become more knowledgeable and efficient, tailoring its interactions to better serve user needs.


Industry Selection

NexGen Customer Engagement Tool offers the ability to leverage generic industry knowledge, which includes a comprehensive set of data relevant to your specific sector. This broad industry learning is combined with any company-specific information you upload, such as PDFs, Excel sheets, or Word documents. This integration ensures that the Customer Engagement Tool is not only tailored to reflect your company’s unique profile but is also equipped with extensive background knowledge that enhances its understanding and response accuracy within your industry.


Manual Text

NexGen Customer Engagement Tool includes a traditional learning feature that allows users to manually input text to enhance its knowledge base. This capability enables users to directly type in information that the Customer Engagement Tool will incorporate into its responses. Ideal for customizing and updating the bot’s data in real time, this feature ensures that the Customer Engagement Tool remains accurate and relevant, adapting continuously to new information and user needs.


Manual Text Cleanup

NexGen Customer Engagement Tool now enhances the traditional manual text entry feature by allowing users to speak directly into the system’s microphone to add new information. This spoken input is then converted into text, which the Customer Engagement Tool can learn from. Additionally, a clean function is available to refine this data, ensuring that it is optimized for integration into the Customer Engagement Tool knowledge base. This process not only simplifies data entry but also enhances the accuracy and relevance of the information learned by the bot, making it more effective in its interactions.


Trigger – Products

Amplify your e-commerce platform with our Products Trigger feature. This powerful tool enables NexGen Customer Engagement Tool to automatically capture all the products listed on your e-commerce site and integrate them into chat responses. By doing so, the Customer Engagement Tool can proactively present products as part of its interaction with customers, effectively assisting in selling and promoting items directly through chat. This feature is designed to streamline the shopping experience, making it easy for customers to discover and learn about products during their conversation, thereby boosting sales opportunities.


Promotion Integration

NexGen Customer Engagement Tool includes a sophisticated promotion integration feature, enabling users to upload promotional content that is activated by specific keywords. This ensures that relevant offers are presented to your customers at the most opportune moments, enhancing their experience and boosting your engagement rates.


Blog Posts

Our AI logic leverages the content from your chat conversations to generate daily blog posts. Seamlessly incorporating your shop’s name and other relevant information, these posts are expertly tailored for SEO. This strategy enhances your search engine rankings and drives organic traffic to your site, ensuring that your online content consistently aligns with your business goals and customer interactions.


Footer Enhancements

NexGen Customer Engagement Tool enables users to enhance their chat interface by adding two images at the bottom, each accompanied by an associated link. This feature is ideal for showcasing priority information that you want to keep readily accessible to users. Whether it’s promoting special offers, directing to key resources, or highlighting important updates, these linked images provide a visually engaging way to ensure that critical content is just a click away.


Bot Placement

NexGen Customer Engagement Tool offers versatile placement options, allowing it to be positioned anywhere on the screen to suit your specific design and interaction needs. For a dominant presence, you can place the bot at the upper center of the screen, making it immediately noticeable to users. Alternatively, for a more traditional setup, the bottom right corner is typically used, providing a subtle yet accessible location. This flexibility ensures that the Customer Engagement Tool integrates seamlessly with your website’s layout and user experience strategy.


Header Graphic

NexGen Customer Engagement Tool platform features a customizable header banner option designed to reinforce your company’s branding directly within the chat interface. Users can upload their own banner images, aligning with their brand’s visual identity. This feature supports various file formats and ensures the banner is optimally displayed across all user devices. By personalizing the Customer Engagement Tool appearance with a branded header, businesses can create a cohesive and engaging user experience that resonates with their brand’s aesthetic and values


Header Action Text

If users prefer not to use a graphic for their Customer Engagement Tool header, our platform offers a clean and simple alternative. They can opt for a solid color background accompanied by two lines of text. This option allows users to maintain a professional and minimalist aesthetic while still delivering essential information at the top of the chat interface.


Trigger – Date Range

Optimize your promotions with precision timing using our Active Date Range Triggers. This feature allows you to set specific start and end dates for your promotional campaigns directly within the Customer Engagement Tool. By defining these date ranges, the Customer Engagement Tool automatically activates and deactivates triggers relevant to each promotion. Ensure your offers reach your customers exactly when intended, enhancing the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and preventing outdated promotions from being displayed.



Customize your Customer Engagement Tool’s personality to align with your brand, ensuring consistent and engaging interactions that resonate with your audience.


AI-Powered Engagement

Enhance your customer interactions with our AI-powered Customer Engagement Tool, designed to deliver personalized, engaging conversations every time. Using dynamic triggers and standard responses, our Customer Engagement Tool ensures consistent messaging while adapting to each customer’s needs. Greet customers by their first name, seamlessly promote your latest offers, and guide them to sign-up forms or other actions, all within a single interaction. Elevate your customer service and marketing efforts effortlessly with our intelligent Customer Engagement Tool solution.


Generic Prompts

When users are idle, our AI-powered Customer Engagement Tool keeps the conversation going with engaging prompts. These include reminders about promotions, invitations to explore new features, and suggestions to sign up for newsletters. This proactive approach ensures users stay informed and engaged with your brand.


Image Placeholder

NexGen includes a feature that allows companies to customize the text in image placeholders, as well as the text color, to align with their specific branding needs. This customization not only ensures brand consistency but also enhances visibility and draws attention to key messages, making it an effective tool for engaging users and highlighting important information


Mobile Footer

NexGen includes an “Alternative Start” mobile footer option that provides up to four quick links at the bottom of the company’s mobile website. These links, which are always active, typically include options such as call, message, and schedule. When a user selects the chat option, the chat interface will display, offering a seamless and convenient way for users to engage with your business on mobile devices.


Google Reviews

NexGen includes an “Alternative Start” mobile option that provides up to four quick links at the bottom of the company’s mobile website. These links, which are always active, typically include options such as call, message, and schedule. When a user selects the chat option, the chat interface will display, offering a seamless and convenient way for users to engage with your business on mobile devices.


Time-Sensitive Trigger Offers

Our AI Engagement Tool allows for the setting of date ranges on triggers, enabling businesses to add unlimited time-sensitive offers and promotions. These offers will only be triggered within the designated time frame, ensuring timely and relevant engagement with customers.


Industry Triggers

NexGen offers industry triggers, which are customizable triggers that can be built once and applied to any bot associated with that specific industry. This feature allows for consistent and efficient deployment of industry-specific responses and actions, ensuring that all bots within the same industry can leverage shared knowledge and functionality.

User Experience


Analytics Dashboard that empowers your decision-making process with valuable data. This dashboard tracks performance metrics, customer trends, and more, providing you with simple, efficient, and insightful data. Utilize this intuitive tool to make informed decisions that enhance user experience and drive business success.

User Experience

Voice-to-Text Feature

Our AI Customer Engagement Tool includes a seamless voice-to-text capability, allowing users to articulate their requests aloud. The system effortlessly converts spoken language into text, ensuring that user inputs are accurately captured and processed by the Customer Engagement Tool.

User Experience

Text-to Voice

NexGen Customer Engagement Tool enhances user convenience and accessibility with a voice response feature. Instead of reading text responses, users can simply turn on the speaker and listen to replies spoken in a warm, soothing, non-robotic voice. This option not only makes interactions more accessible and enjoyable but also supports users with visual impairments, providing a human-like conversational experience.

User Experience

4 Phone #’s and 2 Emails

NexGen Customer Engagement Tool intelligently directs users to the appropriate company representative based on their specific needs. When a user asks for support or sales, the Customer Engagement Tool promptly provides the direct phone line and email address of the representative who handles those particular inquiries. This ensures that users receive fast and personalized assistance, enhancing their experience and streamlining communication with your company.

User Experience


Customer Engagement Tool enhances user experience by providing comprehensive location-based services. It not only allows for the addition of unlimited locations but also displays locations that are currently closed. Users can conveniently click to view a list of all or alternative locations, complete with associated distances, making it easier to find nearby alternatives or plan future visits. When users click on the distance of any location, the page redirects to Google Maps, providing driving instructions and the best route. This integration simplifies navigation and helps users conveniently make travel plans.

User Experience

Mobile Optimization

NexGen Customer Engagement Tool is optimized for mobile use, featuring a specialized ‘Start’ option that engages customers immediately by prioritizing the most suitable interaction method—call, text, or chat—based on the user’s current context and preferences. This mobile-first approach ensures that users can take immediate action in the manner most convenient for them, whether they’re looking to make a quick call, send a text, or start a chat. This streamlined interaction enhances user experience and increases the likelihood of positive engagement, making it easier for customers to connect with your services anytime, anywhere.

User Experience

Stream Responses

Customize response streaming settings, which can be turned on or off. With streaming enabled, the Customer Engagement Tool begins responding almost immediately, providing a dynamic and interactive experience. Alternatively, the non-streaming mode is ideal for training sessions or scenarios where it is preferable for all information to be displayed at once, ensuring clarity and comprehensive understanding.

User Experience

Main Link Buttons

Enhance NexGen Customer Engagement Tool interface with the ability to add unlimited buttons under the main header, transforming them into mini web pages within the chat. Each button is designed to activate a specific trigger, enabling a wide range of actions from simple link redirection to complex operations. To aid user interaction, tooltips can be added to each button; these appear when the user hovers over a button, providing clear guidance on what the button does. Additionally, each button can feature its own custom image and display text, making them both informative and visually appealing. This level of customization enriches the user experience, offering direct and intuitive navigation within the Customer Engagement Tool interface.

NexGen Customer Engagement Tool dashboard includes a Preview feature that captures screen grabs from the main URL provided in the company section. This preview demonstrates how the Customer Engagement Tool will look and function overlaid on a sample of your website. It allows users to visually assess the Customer Engagement Tool integration and interaction within their existing web env
Duplicating NexGen Customer Engagement Tool can be highly beneficial for a variety of reasons. It allows users to easily replicate a successful bot setup when expanding to new markets or languages, ensuring consistency across different segments. Additionally, duplication can be useful for testing changes without affecting the live version of the bot. This enables safer experimentation with features, responses, or triggers to optimize the Customer Engagement Tool performance before making changes permanent. It also saves time and effort in setting up multiple bots with similar functionalities or for different departments within the same organization.
Grant Access
Grant unlimited users access to view and interact with any of the selected bots. This feature ensures that an unlimited number of users can seamlessly access and utilize the chosen bots without any restrictions, enhancing user engagement and accessibility across the platform.
Disable Live Bot
NexGen features a “Disable Live Bot” option, allowing users to deactivate the bot on their website at any time for any reason without needing to remove the embed code. This flexibility ensures that businesses can manage their bot’s availability seamlessly, maintaining control over their customer engagement without any technical hassles.
AI Logic
Multilingual Support
Break language barriers with our intelligent Customer Engagement Tool, designed to recognize and adapt to the user’s preferred language. Whether determined by device settings or direct input, our system seamlessly adjusts, ensuring a personalized and accessible communication experience across multiple languages.
AI Logic
Training Center
Elevate NexGen Customer Engagement Tool performance with our robust Training Dashboard. This feature is your control center for enhancing the bot’s knowledge and responsiveness. Diversify its learning with several options: perform website scrapes to collect product details—including descriptions, prices, and images—upload unlimited documents in Word or PDF formats, and include rich media like images, videos, and tables. You can also add FAQs and detailed product information, complete with active date ranges to ensure the bot dispenses up-to-date information. This comprehensive training tool allows you to meticulously tailor your bot’s capabilities, ensuring it provides top-tier service and accurate responses.
AI Logic
Holiday Calendar
Easily set and display special holiday hours and closed days for all major holidays. Customize the calendar to specify the date range during which these notices will be shown when users inquire about operating hours. Adjust the start and end dates to control visibility and keep customers informed about your holiday schedule.
AI Logic
AI Optional Engagement
For companies hesitant about using AI, our AI Engagement Tool offers the option to disable AI and rely solely on triggers. This ensures that most customer engagement features remain fully functional, providing flexibility and confidence in using the platform without losing much of its effectiveness. Refer to the feature list for detailed information.
Company Analytics
Companies can gain valuable insights through comprehensive analytic reporting on all chat interactions. Our platform provides detailed, tailored weekly reports that focus on shop-specific queries, helping you understand customer needs and optimize your responses. This analytics capability allows you to make informed decisions based on accurate data, enhancing overall service effectiveness and customer satisfaction.
Admin Access via Bot
NexGen Customer Engagement Tool includes a built-in admin feature that enables real-time reporting and the ability to request custom reports directly from the chat interface. This functionality ensures that administrators can quickly access and tailor information to their specific needs, enhancing operational efficiency without ever leaving the chat environment. Set the access code in Basic Info. IN Number.
Click the analytics icon in the dashboard to delve into detailed visualizations and report views of NexGen Customer Engagement Tool data. This feature provides users with comprehensive insights into Customer Engagement Tool performance, user interactions, and engagement metrics. The analytics tool is designed to offer both at-a-glance visuals and in-depth reports, enabling you to effectively monitor and optimize NexGen Customer Engagement Tool effectiveness based on real-time data. It’s an essential resource for understanding trends, behaviors, and outcomes.
Analytics Report Questions
Our AI-powered Customer Engagement Tool allows you to add unlimited questions for in-depth analysis of chat conversations over a set period. This capability enables you to gather detailed insights into customer interactions, preferences, and behavior. By continuously analyzing these conversations, you can identify trends, optimize responses, and enhance the overall customer experience. This robust feature ensures you have the data needed to make informed decisions and improve your engagement strategies.
Bot Closed Options
NexGen Customer Engagement Tool design feature offers two streamlined versions for enhanced user interaction: a single icon and a mini version of the chat interface. When the Customer Engagement Tool is closed, it conveniently minimizes to a single icon that can be easily accessed at any time. Alternatively, users can opt for the mini version, which provides a compact yet fully functional chat interface. Both options are designed to maintain a clean and unobtrusive presence on your site. Upload custom graphics for both the single icon and mini chat versions. This ensures that NexGen Customer Engagement Tool maintains a consistent brand identity across all user interactions. Whether it’s the single icon or the compact chat interface, you can personalize each element to match your unique branding and marketing strategy, creating a cohesive and visually appealing experience.
Active Bot
Users can specify the hours during which it is available on the company website. This functionality is particularly useful for managing interactions after business hours. By setting specific operational times, companies can ensure that the Customer Engagement Tool is active during peak visitor periods or provides automated support when live agents are not available, enhancing the overall customer service experience.
Share/Print Icons
NexGen Customer Engagement Tool includes customizable options for sharing and printing the chat. Users can enable display icons for sharing and printing directly on the bot interface, allowing customers to easily share or print their conversations as needed. This feature can be toggled off if you prefer to restrict customers from sharing or printing their chat interactions, ensuring greater control over the conversation’s privacy and distribution.
Disable Advice
With the Customer Engagement Tool ‘Disable Advice’ feature, users can choose whether the bot should offer advice during interactions. By selecting this option, you can ensure the Customer Engagement Tool refrains from providing suggestions or recommendations, making it suitable for scenarios where only factual information or direct responses are preferred. This feature provides users with greater control over the Customer Engagement Tool behavior to align with specific communication strategies.
Thumbs Up/Down
Customize feedback prompts with thumbs-up or thumbs-down options. If you want every response to solicit feedback, these icons will be included under each response. If not selected, feedback options will appear only in the bottom footer of the chat. This setup ensures that you gather input at your preferred level of engagement, whether you seek detailed feedback or just an overall assessment.
Response Length
NexGen Customer Engagement Tool offers adjustable response length settings, allowing users to select between ‘Normal’ and ‘Long’ options. The ‘Normal’ setting delivers responses that are concise and to the point, ideal for quick interactions. The ‘Long’ setting provides more involved and detailed responses, which is particularly useful for training purposes or when a deeper explanation is required. This feature ensures that the Customer Engagement Tool can adapt its communication style to best meet the needs of the conversation.
NexGen Customer Engagement Tool leverages advanced triggers to generate dynamic responses, offering unparalleled customization and flexibility. Users can create an unlimited number of trigger types within a single trigger, allowing for cascading actions that enrich the interaction experience. Unlike systems that require exact phrase matches, NexGen Customer Engagement Tool responds intelligently to keywords or phrases within a customer’s question. This feature enables the Customer Engagement Tool to provide associated responses based on the context of the query, ensuring more accurate and relevant interactions, and enhancing user engagement.
Trigger – Rich test
NexGen Customer Engagement Tool advanced trigger feature supports rich text formatting, enabling users to fully format messages for a more engaging interaction. Additionally, it allows for the copying and pasting of HTML-formatted text directly from a website, preserving all formatting details. This capability ensures that responses not only retain their visual appeal but also maintain the intended structure and style, enhancing the overall user experience by delivering content that is both informative and visually consistent.
Trigger – Image
Enhance NexGen Customer Engagement Tool responsiveness with our customizable triggers, which allow the user to upload an unlimited number of images to accompany responses. This feature gives you the flexibility to tailor each interaction visually, making it more engaging and informative. Whether adding product photos, instructional graphics, or promotional images, you can enrich the conversational experience, ensuring that each response not only delivers the right information but also captures the user’s attention visually.
Trigger – Video
Customize NexGen Customer Engagement Tool further by incorporating Vimeo or YouTube links within triggers. This integration allows you to enhance responses with video content, providing a dynamic and engaging user experience. Include tutorial videos, product demonstrations, or promotional clips, or add videos from Vimeo or YouTube directly into the Customer Engagement Tool responses to increase the effectiveness of each interaction, catering to users who prefer visual and detailed explanations.
Trigger – HTML
Users can paste existing HTML code directly into a trigger, enabling you to create highly customized and interactive responses. This feature can guide users to specific web pages, forms, or other online resources, seamlessly integrating your digital assets into the chat experience. By incorporating HTML links into Customer Engagement Tool responses, you can direct users precisely where you want, enhancing the functionality of the bot.
Trigger – Form Design
Design a custom trigger form with unlimited fields, accommodating a variety of input types including short text, long text, phone numbers, emails, dates, times, yes/no options, and selections. Each input type is equipped with automatic formatting and validation to ensure that customer data is collected efficiently and accurately. This feature not only streamlines data collection but also enhances user interaction by providing a structured and interactive experience tailored to your specific requirements.
Trigger – Form Recipients
With NexGen Customer Engagement Tool trigger forms, users have complete control over how completed forms are handled. Upon submission, forms can be configured to be sent via email, text message, or directly to an API, depending on your operational requirements and preferences. This flexibility allows you to streamline workflows and ensure that data from user interactions is utilized efficiently, whether for immediate response actions or integration into broader systems.
Trigger – Form Title/Description
Users can fully customize forms in NexGen Customer Engagement Tool by adding titles and descriptions to each one. The title serves as a clear identifier for the form’s purpose, while the description provides additional context or instructions for the user, helping guide them through the completion process. These customizable fields enhance the clarity and relevance of the forms, ensuring that the data collected aligns precisely with your specific needs and provides a smoother, more informative user experience.
Trigger – Captcha/Disclaimer
NexGen Customer Engagement Tool is enhanced with security and compliance features through the integration of captchas and disclaimers in its form triggers. Users can activate a captcha, which requires respondents to enter a code that verifies they are not automated bots, helping to prevent fraud and secure data. Additionally, a disclaimer can be added to forms, making it mandatory for users to acknowledge and agree to the terms before submission. This is particularly useful for forms that involve text messaging or sensitive information, ensuring users are fully informed and consents are properly obtained.
Trigger – Link
Enhance user interactions with the capability to add link triggers. Users can supply any direct link to a public-facing website or URL, embedding it within the Customer Engagement Tool responses. This feature allows for seamless redirection to external resources, providing users with immediate access to additional information, sign-ups, special offers, or more detailed content. The integration of direct links enhances the functionality of the Customer Engagement Tool, making it a more powerful tool for engaging users and extending their interaction beyond the chat interface.
Trigger – Delay
Customize automated triggers with a time delay feature. Users can specify a delay, and after the designated time has elapsed while the user is interacting with the bot, the trigger will automatically activate. This can be used to introduce new topics, offer assistance, provide reminders, or direct users to additional resources at strategic moments.
Trigger – Carousel
The carousel trigger feature is designed to engage users dynamically. This innovative tool allows you to create carousel-style presentations within the chat interface, where users can step through a variety of pages at their own pace. It’s an ideal solution for showcasing promotions, product catalogs, tutorials, or any content you want to highlight. Each carousel can be customized with images, text, and links, making it a versatile and interactive way to capture user interest and encourage deeper exploration.
Tigger – Button
Optimize NexGen Customer Engagement Tool interactions with customizable Trigger Buttons. This feature allows you to create buttons with unique properties tailored to your needs. Each button can be labeled and linked to a specific URL, directing users precisely where you want them to go, Perfect for guiding users through your digital landscape, Trigger Buttons make navigation effortless and enhance the overall user experience.
Trigger – Terminate Response
The Terminate Response trigger feature allows you to conclude a chat sequence immediately after delivering specific triggered information, assuming that the response fulfills the user’s inquiry. This is ideal for straightforward transactions or information delivery where no further interaction is necessary. Conversely, if you anticipate the need for additional dialogue or follow-up questions, simply leave this option selected. This flexibility ensures that each user interaction can be tailored to meet specific needs.
Trigger – FAQ
Optimize NexGen Customer Engagement Tool ability to respond accurately with our FAQ Trigger feature. This tool allows you to incorporate specific questions and answers directly into the Customer Engagement Tool learning database. By adding this targeted FAQ content, the Customer Engagement Tool is better equipped to address users’ inquiries by combining these details with all other data that has been uploaded or scraped. This integration ensures that the Customer Engagement Tool delivers precise and contextually relevant answers, enhancing the overall user experience by providing timely and informed responses to their questions.
Image Library
NexGen includes a comprehensive image library, offering a selection of header buttons, minimized side images, and chat icons. This feature is designed for companies that do not have a designer, allowing them to easily select and use professionally designed graphics to enhance their Customer Engagement Tool’s appearance and functionality.
dashboard Products
Dashboard Products
Header Embedding
Embed into the top header bar: This option integrates a mini version of the response line directly into your website’s header. This seamless integration makes it feel like a natural part of the website rather than just a bot in the corner, enhancing user experience without becoming intrusive.
Text Message
The text message that appears in the bot’s input field is customizable, allowing you to display a personalized message to incentivize user interaction. This feature helps engage users by providing tailored prompts and encouraging them to utilize the bot’s capabilities.
Advanced AI Capabilities
Our advanced AI technology enables the Customer Engagement Tool to generate conversational responses using all the data provided, without the need for predefined decision trees. This allows for a more fluid and intuitive interaction, as the system dynamically adapts to input in real-time, creating a seamless user experience.
Industry Knowledge
NexGen Customer Engagement Tool platform offers a powerful learning feature that allows you to build a comprehensive knowledge base tailored to your specific industry. This industry-specific knowledge can be seamlessly integrated into company bots, ensuring that they are equipped with extensive, relevant information. This capability not only enhances the bot’s responses but also ensures that all companies within the industry can leverage shared insights to improve their customer interactions.
Website Scrape
Provide a URL, and our system will automatically scrape all relevant data from it, enriching NexGen Customer Engagement Tool existing knowledge base. This feature allows for continuous learning and updating, ensuring that your bot remains informed and effective in delivering accurate responses.
Photos and Videos
Enable photo and video uploads, offering the flexibility to include an unlimited number of these media files in responses. This feature enhances the interactivity of the Customer Engagement Tool, enabling it to provide richer, more engaging content that can include visual aids or demonstrations. This capability is especially useful for detailed explanations, showcasing products, or enhancing customer support interactions.
Pdfs.and Word Files
NexGen Customer Engagement Tool allows users to expand its learning database by uploading PDFs or Word documents. This capability enables the Customer Engagement Tool to ingest and learn from a broader range of content, improving its responses and functionality. Whether it’s detailed reports, data sheets, or textual information, this feature helps the Customer Engagement Tool become more knowledgeable and efficient, tailoring its interactions to better serve user needs.
Industry Selection
NexGen Customer Engagement Tool offers the ability to leverage generic industry knowledge, which includes a comprehensive set of data relevant to your specific sector. This broad industry learning is combined with any company-specific information you upload, such as PDFs, Excel sheets, or Word documents. This integration ensures that the Customer Engagement Tool is not only tailored to reflect your company’s unique profile but is also equipped with extensive background knowledge that enhances its understanding and response accuracy within your industry.
Manual Text
NexGen Customer Engagement Tool includes a traditional learning feature that allows users to manually input text to enhance its knowledge base. This capability enables users to directly type in information that the Customer Engagement Tool will incorporate into its responses. Ideal for customizing and updating the bot’s data in real time, this feature ensures that the Customer Engagement Tool remains accurate and relevant, adapting continuously to new information and user needs.
Manual Text Cleanup
NexGen Customer Engagement Tool now enhances the traditional manual text entry feature by allowing users to speak directly into the system’s microphone to add new information. This spoken input is then converted into text, which the Customer Engagement Tool can learn from. Additionally, a clean function is available to refine this data, ensuring that it is optimized for integration into the Customer Engagement Tool knowledge base. This process not only simplifies data entry but also enhances the accuracy and relevance of the information learned by the bot, making it more effective in its interactions.
Trigger – Products
Amplify your e-commerce platform with our Products Trigger feature. This powerful tool enables NexGen Customer Engagement Tool to automatically capture all the products listed on your e-commerce site and integrate them into chat responses. By doing so, the Customer Engagement Tool can proactively present products as part of its interaction with customers, effectively assisting in selling and promoting items directly through chat. This feature is designed to streamline the shopping experience, making it easy for customers to discover and learn about products during their conversation, thereby boosting sales opportunities.
Promotion Integration
NexGen Customer Engagement Tool includes a sophisticated promotion integration feature, enabling users to upload promotional content that is activated by specific keywords. This ensures that relevant offers are presented to your customers at the most opportune moments, enhancing their experience and boosting your engagement rates.
Blog Posts
Our AI logic leverages the content from your chat conversations to generate daily blog posts. Seamlessly incorporating your shop’s name and other relevant information, these posts are expertly tailored for SEO. This strategy enhances your search engine rankings and drives organic traffic to your site, ensuring that your online content consistently aligns with your business goals and customer interactions.
Footer Enhancements
NexGen Customer Engagement Tool enables users to enhance their chat interface by adding two images at the bottom, each accompanied by an associated link. This feature is ideal for showcasing priority information that you want to keep readily accessible to users. Whether it’s promoting special offers, directing to key resources, or highlighting important updates, these linked images provide a visually engaging way to ensure that critical content is just a click away.
Bot Placement
NexGen Customer Engagement Tool offers versatile placement options, allowing it to be positioned anywhere on the screen to suit your specific design and interaction needs. For a dominant presence, you can place the bot at the upper center of the screen, making it immediately noticeable to users. Alternatively, for a more traditional setup, the bottom right corner is typically used, providing a subtle yet accessible location. This flexibility ensures that the Customer Engagement Tool integrates seamlessly with your website’s layout and user experience strategy.
Header Graphic
NexGen Customer Engagement Tool platform features a customizable header banner option designed to reinforce your company’s branding directly within the chat interface. Users can upload their own banner images, aligning with their brand’s visual identity. This feature supports various file formats and ensures the banner is optimally displayed across all user devices. By personalizing the Customer Engagement Tool appearance with a branded header, businesses can create a cohesive and engaging user experience that resonates with their brand’s aesthetic and values
Header Action Text
If users prefer not to use a graphic for their Customer Engagement Tool header, our platform offers a clean and simple alternative. They can opt for a solid color background accompanied by two lines of text. This option allows users to maintain a professional and minimalist aesthetic while still delivering essential information at the top of the chat interface.
Trigger – Date Range
Optimize your promotions with precision timing using our Active Date Range Triggers. This feature allows you to set specific start and end dates for your promotional campaigns directly within the Customer Engagement Tool. By defining these date ranges, the Customer Engagement Tool automatically activates and deactivates triggers relevant to each promotion. Ensure your offers reach your customers exactly when intended, enhancing the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and preventing outdated promotions from being displayed.
Customize your Customer Engagement Tool’s personality to align with your brand, ensuring consistent and engaging interactions that resonate with your audience.
AI-Powered Engagement
Enhance your customer interactions with our AI-powered Customer Engagement Tool, designed to deliver personalized, engaging conversations every time. Using dynamic triggers and standard responses, our Customer Engagement Tool ensures consistent messaging while adapting to each customer’s needs. Greet customers by their first name, seamlessly promote your latest offers, and guide them to sign-up forms or other actions, all within a single interaction. Elevate your customer service and marketing efforts effortlessly with our intelligent Customer Engagement Tool solution.
Generic Prompts
When users are idle, our AI-powered Customer Engagement Tool keeps the conversation going with engaging prompts. These include reminders about promotions, invitations to explore new features, and suggestions to sign up for newsletters. This proactive approach ensures users stay informed and engaged with your brand.
Image Placeholder
NexGen includes a feature that allows companies to customize the text in image placeholders, as well as the text color, to align with their specific branding needs. This customization not only ensures brand consistency but also enhances visibility and draws attention to key messages, making it an effective tool for engaging users and highlighting important information
Mobile Footer
NexGen includes an “Alternative Start” mobile footer option that provides up to four quick links at the bottom of the company’s mobile website. These links, which are always active, typically include options such as call, message, and schedule. When a user selects the chat option, the chat interface will display, offering a seamless and convenient way for users to engage with your business on mobile devices.
Google Reviews
NexGen includes an “Alternative Start” mobile option that provides up to four quick links at the bottom of the company’s mobile website. These links, which are always active, typically include options such as call, message, and schedule. When a user selects the chat option, the chat interface will display, offering a seamless and convenient way for users to engage with your business on mobile devices.
Time-Sensitive Trigger Offers
Our AI Engagement Tool allows for the setting of date ranges on triggers, enabling businesses to add unlimited time-sensitive offers and promotions. These offers will only be triggered within the designated time frame, ensuring timely and relevant engagement with customers.
Industry Triggers
NexGen offers industry triggers, which are customizable triggers that can be built once and applied to any bot associated with that specific industry. This feature allows for consistent and efficient deployment of industry-specific responses and actions, ensuring that all bots within the same industry can leverage shared knowledge and functionality.
User Experience
Analytics Dashboard that empowers your decision-making process with valuable data. This dashboard tracks performance metrics, customer trends, and more, providing you with simple, efficient, and insightful data. Utilize this intuitive tool to make informed decisions that enhance user experience and drive business success.
User Experience
Voice-to-Text Feature
Our AI Customer Engagement Tool includes a seamless voice-to-text capability, allowing users to articulate their requests aloud. The system effortlessly converts spoken language into text, ensuring that user inputs are accurately captured and processed by the Customer Engagement Tool.
User Experience
Text-to Voice
NexGen Customer Engagement Tool enhances user convenience and accessibility with a voice response feature. Instead of reading text responses, users can simply turn on the speaker and listen to replies spoken in a warm, soothing, non-robotic voice. This option not only makes interactions more accessible and enjoyable but also supports users with visual impairments, providing a human-like conversational experience.
User Experience
4 Phone #’s and 2 Emails
NexGen Customer Engagement Tool intelligently directs users to the appropriate company representative based on their specific needs. When a user asks for support or sales, the Customer Engagement Tool promptly provides the direct phone line and email address of the representative who handles those particular inquiries. This ensures that users receive fast and personalized assistance, enhancing their experience and streamlining communication with your company.
User Experience
Customer Engagement Tool enhances user experience by providing comprehensive location-based services. It not only allows for the addition of unlimited locations but also displays locations that are currently closed. Users can conveniently click to view a list of all or alternative locations, complete with associated distances, making it easier to find nearby alternatives or plan future visits. When users click on the distance of any location, the page redirects to Google Maps, providing driving instructions and the best route. This integration simplifies navigation and helps users conveniently make travel plans.
User Experience
Mobile Optimization
NexGen Customer Engagement Tool is optimized for mobile use, featuring a specialized ‘Start’ option that engages customers immediately by prioritizing the most suitable interaction method—call, text, or chat—based on the user’s current context and preferences. This mobile-first approach ensures that users can take immediate action in the manner most convenient for them, whether they’re looking to make a quick call, send a text, or start a chat. This streamlined interaction enhances user experience and increases the likelihood of positive engagement, making it easier for customers to connect with your services anytime, anywhere.
User Experience
Stream Responses
Customize response streaming settings, which can be turned on or off. With streaming enabled, the Customer Engagement Tool begins responding almost immediately, providing a dynamic and interactive experience. Alternatively, the non-streaming mode is ideal for training sessions or scenarios where it is preferable for all information to be displayed at once, ensuring clarity and comprehensive understanding.
User Experience
Main Link Buttons
Enhance NexGen Customer Engagement Tool interface with the ability to add unlimited buttons under the main header, transforming them into mini web pages within the chat. Each button is designed to activate a specific trigger, enabling a wide range of actions from simple link redirection to complex operations. To aid user interaction, tooltips can be added to each button; these appear when the user hovers over a button, providing clear guidance on what the button does. Additionally, each button can feature its own custom image and display text, making them both informative and visually appealing. This level of customization enriches the user experience, offering direct and intuitive navigation within the Customer Engagement Tool interface.